Boomtown have launched a video to support their Respect campaign. The idea is to respect yourself, respect each other, and respect the city. These are principles to make sure everyone; punters, crew, artists and staff alike all have a great time at the festival.
The basic principles are sound. So have a watch of the video below and get yourself into the Boomtown mindset. We are all one big community, let’s all look out for one another and have a great time while at the festival and in our every day lives.
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“The future of Boomtown is unwritten, we must consider the environment, sustainability and consequences, in order to survive…”
At the 2018 festival we learnt that this new set of values are very important to the organisers of Boomtown. It looks like these set of values are going to be a guiding principle for how the festival should be run going forward in 2019 and beyond.
Boomtown previously ran a harm reduction campaign, creating one of the best in-house festival mini-documentaries ever made. If you have a spare 16 minutes, you won’t regret it.
In order to reduce the environmental impact of the festival, Boomtown is also increasing the number of vegan/vegetarian stalls at the festival in 2019. With a view to going completely meat free in 2020.
Boomtown take more care, and pay more attention to their punters, than any other festival Source has ever visited. And in exchange, they ask for some respect back.

Respect Yourself
Take it easy. Know your limits. Look after yourself. Drink enough water. Get some sleep. It’s easy to go too hard at Boomtown, and ultimately we all need to take some responsibility for our own behaviour.
Do what you need to do to have some fun… but know where the fun stops, and don’t end up in a bad way. Neither Boomtown or Source wants to see that.
Boomtown has everything in place to help you look after yourself, from welfare charities, to water points, to drug testing. Use the facilities, and keep well.
Respect Each Other
Help people out who seem in a bad way. Say hi. Talk to people. Respect other peoples tents and belongings.
Respect others, don’t inappropriately harass, or demean anyone. Your prejudiced biases regarding gender, race, culture, sexuality are not welcome. This is common sense, show some respect for others.
Brexit or remain, we are all one family at Boomtown, who look after each other. Let Boomtown staff know if you see behaviour which is not appropriate, so it can be sorted out.
Respect Your City
Boomtown are doing everything they can do reduce the environmental impact of the festival. But they can only do so much, when one of the biggest environmental disasters at UK festivals is the enormous amount of plastic tents left behind.
It is totally not OK to leave your tent behind. It is a durable and reusable item, which should be looked after and used next year. It cannot be recycled. It will almost certainly not be donated to charity, contrary to popular belief. It will go straight to landfill, and the expensive cost of disposing it will be added to next years ticket prices.
The festival look after you, so look after the festival. Take home your tent, bring a reusable water bottle, use the recycling bins, and don’t tag the city!
Big Love
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